This Week on Finding Your Bliss: November 11th

Nov 07, 2023

By AM740 Staff

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Coming up this Saturday at 1pm on Finding Your Bliss, Life Coach and Bliss Expert Judy Librach is joined by the authors of Today I Noticed: A Little Book of Mindfulness That Will Change The Way You See The World, Deborah Huber and Willow Older! 

Deborah has spent most of her career in the high-tech industry in a variety of creative and management roles. 

She writes children’s books and dreams of taking a daily swim in the chilly S.F. Bay (but knows she never will). 

She lives in the S.F. Bay Area with her family. 



Willow is the co-founder of Today I Noticed and co-author of Today I Noticed: A Little Book of Mindfulness that Will Change the Way You See the World (Blue Star Press, October 24, 2023). She’s an award-winning writer who runs her own editorial services business. 

Raised on the South Island of New Zealand, Willow is a self-taught artist and a determined knitter who’s getting pretty good at making her mistakes look like they’re just part of the pattern. 

Willow and her family, including a crazy orange cat and a sweet black dog, live in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Also on the program, we have financial coach, Alanna Abramsky! 

Alanna has been working with Enriched Academy since 2017 to develop their Financial Freedom Coaching program into the effective, results-driven course that it is today. Together with her colleagues, she’s on a mission to make financial freedom accessible to all Canadians across the country. 

Prior to joining Enriched Academy, Alanna was working in Toronto and living a comfortable, but far from extravagant lifestyle. She had dreamed since she was young of a 6-month adventure to South America and Southeast Asia and had managed to save 40% of her income in just one year in order to fund the trip. Alanna quit her job, got rid of her apartment, and left Toronto to go on the adventure – the Huffington Post even wrote an article about her! 



For many people, this kind of adventure leaves them broke or indebted upon their return. Alanna actually kept enough money aside to move back to Toronto and live a comfortable life in a costly city. It’s been over four years since that trip and Alanna has continued to invest her money so that she is on track to retire at age 45! 

Alanna gives credit to her parents who taught her to be fiscally responsible from an early age. She is now practicing what she preaches and applying everything to teach her clients about how to gain financial freedom. 

Alanna currently lives in Toronto Ontario with her wife Jacqueline, and their Bernese Mountain dog, George.

Join us this Saturday at 1 PM on Finding Your Bliss. You can follow us @theblissminute on Instagram and Facebook. Or you can visit our online magazine at and take one step closer to finding your bliss.

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